Every year around this time, Instagram is flooded with photos of spiderwebs. Why are we so compelled to photograph their uniquely intricate designs? And beyond the “oohs and ah’s,” what metaphors can we find in their meticulously abstract threads?
In true Halloween-photo-roundup form, we asked some of our favorite photographers on Instagram and beyond to share their spiderweb photos with us. We encourage you to follow them and dig deeper into their work. Oh, and follow us too, if you aren’t already.
We’ve also included a special trick/treat in the mix – an absurd vintage vernacular snapshot from the collection of Robert E. Jackson. See if you can find it.
Happy Halloween!
Photo: Kate Truisi / @kate_truisi
Photo: Ian Kline // @iankline
Photo: Adam Whyte / @dreamglue
Photo: Ryan Maleady // @ryanmalaedy
Photo: Molly Peters / @hazardpeters
Photo: Alberto Filho // @fusk4
Photo: Anna Rotty // @annarotty
Photo: Brendon Kahn @brendonkahn
Photo: Geoff Brown //@g.l.brown
Vintage Photo Postcard/ Snapshot from the collection of Robert E. Jackson / @robert_e_.jackson
Photo: Levi Mandel // @levimandel
Photo: Garrett Remy // @garrettremy
Photo: Kevin Hoth // @kevinhoth
Photo/ Sculpture: Joel Holub // @joelholub
Photo: Megan King // @mgking_
Photo: Sarah Pfohl // @sarahpfohl
Photo: Primoz Zorko // @primozzorko
Photo: Steve Gale // @st.gale