Group Show 57: New Psychedelics — Humble Arts Foundation

group show 57
New Psychedelics

Fabrizio Albertini, M. Apparition, Antoni Benavente, Alexander Binder, Jessy Boon Cowler, Jane Christensen, Cody Cobb, Skyler Crady, Mathias de Lattre, Anargyros Drolapas, Katherine Finkelstein, Doug Fogelson, Peter Franck, Leah Freed, Lyndon French, Laura Glabman,
Kris Graves, Garrett Grove, Kristen Grzeca, Bill Gubbins, Lena Gudd, Jeremy Haik, Jacob Haupt, Scott Hazard, Justin Hill, Jamey Hoag,
Thomas Locke Hobbs, Matt Hulse, Rachael Jablo,  Charlie Kitchen,  Jesse Koechling, Holly Lay, Dionne Lee,
Phillip Lewis and Peter Happel Christian, Elsa Leydier, Terri Loewenthal, Alex Lysakowski, Levi Mandel, Bradley Marshall, Pete Mauney,
Joseph Minek, Jay Muhlin, Rebecca Najdowski, Brandon Nichols, Michael Oshea, Benoit Paillé, Zach Phillips, Stacy Platt, Francesca Pozzi, Evelyn Pritt, James Reeder, Saul Robbins, Nicole Rosenthal, Jacob Schlather, Jacqueline Schlossman, Matthew Shain, Katie Shapiro,
Mike Slack, Matthew Smolinsky, Michael Spears, Jon Verney, Elizabeth Viggiano, Dawn Watson

curated by Roula Seikaly and Jon Feinstein

click on the first thumbnail to view slideshow exhibition and use the arrows on each side to scroll through | hover over the image to see the artist's name.

about the artists | read the statement | listen to Humble's psychedelic Spotify mixtape