This Ain't Your Frank's Red, Amor © Erick Guzman
A new online exhibition, to be curated by Erick Guzman asks: what does it mean to be Latinx today? What is Latinidad?
Using Gloría Anzaldúa's seminal text, Borderlands as inspiration, we seek artists who identify as Latino/a/x and embrace intersectionality in their community.
To be Latinx is more than a monolith; it is a vibrant and robust community filled with diverse and unique voices. Latinx encompasses many intersectional identities. It should be celebrated to allow for visibility of these artists' talents and hopefully inspire future artists, art educators, and possibly bridge the severe lack of representation we see in academia and Photography specifically. Latinx People are queer, Black, white, Asian, Womxn, Indigenous, and Trans. It is now more important than ever to showcase the diversity of these populations and uplift their voices.
With the current political climate and the rising population of Latinx individuals in the US (reaching 30% by 2050), compounded with abysmal representation in higher ed (less than 5% of tenured professors are Latinx), what does it mean to be Latinx+ to you?
Deadline: December 1, 2020
GUIDELINES: (please read carefully. No, really. Please read carefully. We love you.)
1. Before you submit: please donate at least $5 to Vibrance Art Exchange (@VibranceArtExchange via Venmo)
If you cannot afford to do this, please let us know and we will accept your submission.
2. Please submit your 50-75 word bio, statement, and other information via THIS FORM.
3. Email 5-10 JPGs (sRGB color profile ) at 1,200 pixels on the longest side to with "HAFrontera Submission" in the subject line and each image titled with your name and the title of the image (i.e. FirstName_LastName_an-apple_01) and a screenshot of your (optional!) donation receipt.
IMPORTANT: Please do NOT submit zipped folders of images and do NOT send us download / WeTransfer links.
ALSO IMPORTANT: Please do NOT watermark your images (unless that’s part of the concept). We cannot take your submissions seriously if you don't trust us. <3
OPTIONAL: Want quicker visibility on your submissions? AFTER submitting via email, Hashtag #HAFrontera @humbleartsfoundation on Instagram.
FEE: As stated above, $5 minimum optional donation (if you can afford it) to Vibrance Art Exchange (donate via Venmo to @VibranceArtExchange.) And as usual, this is not a "contest" or "competition." It's an OPPORTUNITY, friends. Let’s strike that contest word from the photography lexicon altogether.
Curator Erick Guzman will select images to feature in HAFNY's online Group Show 66: La Frontera, which will go live on Humble's website around December 2020 and potentially be shared on Humble’s Instagram.
We will announce selected photographers via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and through our mailing list.
About the curator:
Erick Guzman is a first-generation, Latinx, Queer, and GenderQueer interdisciplinary artist, scholar, philanthropist, and writer. Often using their subjects allegorically, Guzman’s work navigates the intricacies of identity politics to ask questions about their liminal identity and relation to the Latinx Diaspora. Their work borrows from various visual traditions ranging from photographic and figurative portraiture, queer aesthetics, and the vernacular surrounding spirituality. They are a graduate student, currently on COVID-related leave, at the Rhode Island School of Design, where they are pursuing an MFA in Photography. They graduated from Brown University Magna Cum Laude in 2016 with two degrees: a BA in Visual Arts with Honors and a BA in Health & Human Biology. Their work has been exhibited nationally and published widely.