Oscar, Tivoli, New York, March 11, 2017. © Stephen Shore.
We're excited to announce two open calls with August deadlines:
Humble Cats at Photoville in NYC in September, and Humble's next online exhibition: Group Show #58: On Death. Details below!
Hannah, 2005. © Rachelle Mozman
Humble Cats: Photoville Edition (deadline: August 7th)
Can cat photography be more than just a meme? Help us continue to prove this true.
Back in 2014, we ran an open call for "art legit" cat photography called "New Cats in Art Photography." It was one of our first online photography exhibitions to get critical acclaim (BBC, Blouin Art Info, Feature Shoot and Huffington Post, to name a few) and last fall, it became a similarly celebrated book: Humble Cats, published by Yoffy Press.
Photoville just invited us to curate an updated exhibition in one of their renowned shipping containers in Brooklyn, NY in September, and there's no fee to submit. This will be curated by Humble's own Jon Feinstein and will include a selection of photos from our book alongside new images from submissions. It's sponsored by Weruva pet food, who are generously covering all printing costs for the show, so there's no fee to submit.
Plus, you'll get to exhibit your work with Stephen Shore's glorious portrait of his cat Oscar. How's that for the CV?
Deadline: August 7th, 2018
Submission Fee: NONE
A Harvest of Death. Gettysburg, PA © Timothy O' Sullivan 1863
Group Show #58: On Death (deadline: August 10th)
Photography and its history are layered with death. Not only in photographers capturing life as it passes, but conceptually and in the metaphors entangled in the practice – it arrests time and life within a frame.
For critics and philosophers including the late Susan Sontag and Roland Barthes, photography itself was a "kind of death," or as Sontag put it in On Photography, a "memento mori that enables participation in another's mortality, vulnerability, mutability." Sure, Sontag and Barthes' waxed wisdom came decades ago, but we think it transcends time and shifting attitudes towards the medium.
Humble's next call asks for work addressing death in various forms, from literal representations of sadness, memorial, celebration, and inevitable passing to abstract meditations and tangents on the word itself. Show us how you understand and process "the end."
Deadline: August 10th, 2018.
Curated by Jon Feinstein
1. Please submit your 50-ish word bio, and 50-ish word statement (both written in the 3rd person) and other information via THIS FORM
2. Email five (5) JPGs at 1,800 pixels on the longest side to submit AT hafny DOT org with
"On Death Submission" in the subject line, and each image titled with your name and the title of the image (i.e. Andy_Warhol_Banana_01)
IMPORTANT: Please do NOT submit zipped folders of images.
ALSO IMPORTANT: Please do NOT watermark your images. We promise you, if we use them, we will give you proper attribution, but we cannot take your submissions seriously if you don't trust us. If Roland Barthes thought photography itself was a "kind of death," imagine what he would think of you adding a watermark to your submission. (We realize that's a stretch, but by now, you get the point...)
Want quicker visibility on your submissions? AFTER submitting via email, Hashtag #HAFDEATH and @humbleartsfoundation on Instagram.
FEE: None.
All submissions must follow the above guidelines:
Humble's co-founder and curatorial director Jon Feinstein will select images to feature in HAFNY's online Group Show #58: On Death, which will go live on Humble's website in September 2018, and potentially be shared on Humble's Instagram. We will announce selected photographers via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram feed and through our mailing list. Also, this isn't a "photo competition" or "contest" - let's not call it that :)
About the Curator:
Jon Feinstein is Humble's co-founder. He's organized exhibitions at Glassbox Gallery and Photographic Center Northwest in Seattle, Hasted Kraeutler, and Phillips de Pury in NYC. His writing has appeared in VICE, PDN, Daylight, Slate, and Time, and he's been featured, Aperture, The NY Times, Hyperallergic, Capricious and The New Yorker. Follow him on Instagram and Twitter.