Photographer unknown (image: via creative commons.)
Bonus submission points if you can name the folks in this photograph.
Humble's latest photography open call asks for work in tripped-out forms.
We could position Humble's next open call as a mile marker in the trajectory of American Landscape Photography. The "manifestly destined" photographers of the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century segueing into The New Topographics of the 1960s, typologists, and generations following them all.
We could say: it's the photographs that would transpire if the Bechers had brownies with Jan Groover and William S. Burroughs after a cocktail with Wavy Gravy.
We could label this a call for work that comments on a once sweeping, now post-post post-industrial "pastiche." We could define it as a new movement of photographers who – having seen it all done before – are making work with a twisted understanding of "the sublime" – a fantastical escape.
We could call this a new "movement:" The New Psychedelics. We could say it looks to the land as a distorted muse with psychedelic tendencies – an escape from the realities of overdevelopment and the failures of manifest destiny. We could say it's a visually hypnotic representation of the failure of American politics.
Or we could simply say:
"We've been seeing some photographers (like Terri Loewenthal) making tripped-out, psychedelic-looking photographs over the past few years, and we're absolutely f*cking drawn to them. Lose interpretations of anything photographically psychedelic. We look forward to seeing your acid-drenched photographs of any genre."
Take your pick.
Deadline: May 30th, 2018.
Curated by Roula Seikaly and Jon Feinstein
1. Please submit your 50-ish word bio, statement and other information via THIS FORM.
2. Email five (5) JPGs at 1,800 pixels on the longest side to submit AT hafny DOT org with
"Psychedelic Submission" in the subject line, and each image titled with your name and the title of the image (i.e. Andy_Warhol_Banana_01)
IMPORTANT: Please do NOT submit zipped folders of images.
ALSO IMPORTANT: Please do NOT watermark your images. We promise you, if we use them, we will give you proper attribution, but we cannot take your submissions seriously if you don't trust us.
Want quicker visibility on your submissions? AFTER submitting via email, Hashtag #HAFPSYCH and @humbleartsfoundation on Instagram.
FEE: None.
All submissions must follow the above guidelines:
Humble's co-founder and curatorial director Jon Feinstein and Humble's Senior Editor Roula Seikaly will select images to feature in HAFNY's online Group Show #57: The New Psychedelics, which will go live on Humble's website in June 2018, and potentially be shared on Humble's Instagram. We will announce selected photographers via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram feed and through our mailing list.
About the Curators:
Roula Seikaly is an independent arts writer and curator based in San Francisco. She is a regular contributor to Aperture, Photograph, and In The In-Between, and is Humble's senior editor. Follow her on Instagram @redcurlsriot
Jon Feinstein is Humble's co-founder. He's organized exhibitions at Glassbox Gallery and Photographic Center Northwest in Seattle, Hasted Kraeutler, and Phillips de Pury in NYC. His writing has appeared in PDN, Daylight, Slate, and Time, and he's been featured in Vice, Aperture, The NY Times, Hyperallergic, and The New Yorker. Follow him on Instagram and Twitter.