Rachel Sussman speaking at TED 2010. Image credit: James Duncan Davidson / TED - courtesy of Rachel Sussman
While TED is largely known for their inspiring talks on science and technology, they're also the purveyor of some of the most impactful talks on photography today. They've compiled more than 80 of these online, ranging from oohs-and-ah's inducing National Geographic work, to necessary explorations of race and inequality in America, as well as discussions of how technology impacts the way we visually process the world. We narrowed down 11 of our favorites (plus two TEDx talks) from photographers we've been following over the past few years. If you haven't seen these already, watch them below, and dive into their full list here.
1) Latoya Ruby Frazier: A Visual History of Inequality in America
2) IO Tillett Wright: Fifty Shades of Gay
3) Alec Soth and Stacey Baker: This is What Enduring Love Looks Like
4) Taryn Simon: The Stories Behind The Bloodlines
5) Angelica Dass: The Beauty of Human Skin in Every Color
6) Rachel Sussman: The World's Oldest Living Things
7) Boniface Mwangi: The Day I Stood Up Alone
8) Fei-Fei Li: How We're Teaching Computers to Understand Pictures
9) Aaron Huey: America's Native Prisoners of War
10) Ziyah Gafic: Everyday Objects, Tragic Histories
11) Chris Jordan: Turning Powerful Stats into Art
12) Eric Pickersgill @ TEDxBend: Do Our Devices Divide Us?
13) Tanja Hollander @ TEDxDirigo: Are You Really My Friend?