Courtesy of the collection of Robert E. Jackson
As we approach the holidays under a 2016 election cloud, there's talk of leaving, of escape, of anxiety over political family conflicts. For Democrats and Progressives, the ongoing joke in any election has been flight or permanent vacation to Canada, but we're probably not going anywhere soon. But how about outer space? There perhaps is no better way to enjoy this time of year than to get on a rocket or some sort of spaceship bound for another galaxy. Robert E. Jackson's growing collection of more than ten thousand snapshots contains dozens of absurdly outer space-themed vintage Christmas cards that have nothing, and yet somehow everything to do with the holidays. Like the Jaeger family, who superimposed themselves (along with their family dog), in front of a NASA photograph of the moon, all the while wishing peace on earth with the coming of Christ. Or a man named Asher D. Havenhill offering "Season's Greetings" through his telescope. These cards share a peculiar, yet heartwarming sense of holiday cheer, a brief and otherworldly pause as we approach the new year. Now if only we could find some intergalactic Kwanzaa or Chanukah cards, we'd all truly be at peace. See more of Jackson's collection by following him on Instagram.