A Harvest of Death. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania July 1863 © Timothy O’ Sullivan (public domain)
Humble announces two (radically unrelated) summer open calls: one book and our next online group show.
1) On Death: the book. In partnership with Kris Graves Projects
Following last year's online group show On Death and our latest online group show Loss, Kris Graves invited Humble to team up for a sequel: On Death, the book – set to publish later this year.
What’s it about?
Death has a rich place in the photo history. For critics and philosophers including the late Susan Sontag and Roland Barthes, the medium itself was “a kind of death," or as Sontag put it in On Photography, a "memento-mori that enables participation in another's mortality, vulnerability, mutability." Sure, Sontag and Barthes' wisdom is decades old, but we continue to see it transcending time and shifting attitudes towards the medium.
The book will present contemporary photographic takes on the end of life, not only as it passes, but in the sometimes abstract metaphors entangled in the practice – how time and life arrest within a frame. Submissions are open to anyone, including those who were featured in either prior exhibition.