This Ain't Your Frank's Red, Amor © Erick Guzman
A new online exhibition, to be curated by Erick Guzman asks: what does it mean to be Latinx today? What is Latinidad?
Using Gloría Anzaldúa's seminal text, Borderlands as inspiration, we seek artists who identify as Latino/a/x and embrace intersectionality in their community.
To be Latinx is more than a monolith; it is a vibrant and robust community filled with diverse and unique voices. Latinx encompasses many intersectional identities. It should be celebrated to allow for visibility of these artists' talents and hopefully inspire future artists, art educators, and possibly bridge the severe lack of representation we see in academia and Photography specifically. Latinx People are queer, Black, white, Asian, Womxn, Indigenous, and Trans. It is now more important than ever to showcase the diversity of these populations and uplift their voices.
With the current political climate and the rising population of Latinx individuals in the US (reaching 30% by 2050), compounded with abysmal representation in higher ed (less than 5% of tenured professors are Latinx), what does it mean to be Latinx+ to you?
Deadline: December 1, 2020