Found photo courtesy of Ben Alper’s The Archival Impulse
Loss is a universal experience that transcends class, culture, age, and history. We all deal with it at some point in life, whether it's the death of a loved one, a breakup, or an indescribable feeling of lack or emptiness.
It can also go beyond straightforward representation and into the degradation of images as a metaphor for personal loss or something more abstract.
For Humble's next online exhibition, as a followup to our 2018 show "On Death," we're partnering with photographer, writer, and founder of the Too Tired Project Tara Wray to curate an exhibition about these many forms of loss. Think wide, wild, metaphoric and introspective.
As an added "bonus" at least one submission will be considered for Tara Wray's Too Tired Project book, to be published by Yoffy Press in 2020.
Deadline: March 20th, 2019
GUIDELINES: (please read carefully)
1. Please submit your 50-75 word bio, statement, and other information via THIS FORM.
2. Email up to five (5) JPGs at 1,800 pixels on the longest side to with
"HAF Loss Submission" in the subject line and each image titled with your name and the title of the image (i.e. Andy_Warhol_Banana_01)
IMPORTANT: Please do NOT submit zipped folders of images.
ALSO IMPORTANT: Please do NOT watermark your images. We promise you, if we use them, we will give you proper attribution, but we cannot take your submissions seriously if you don't trust us.
Want quicker visibility on your submissions? AFTER submitting via email, Hashtag #HAFLOSS, @tootiredproject #tootiredproject and @humbleartsfoundation on Instagram.
FEE: None. (also, don't call it a "contest" or "competition." It's an OPPORTUNITY, folks :) )
Tara Wray and Jon Feinstein will select images to feature in HAFNY's online Group Show #61: Loss, which will go live on Humble's website in April 2019, and potentially be shared on Humble and Too Tired Project's Instagram. Images may also be considered for Wray's ongoing Too Tired exhibitions and publication. We will announce selected photographers via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram feed and through our mailing list.
About the curators:
Tara Wray is a photographer based in rural Vermont. Her photobook, “Too Tired for Sunshine,” was published by Yoffy Press in 2018. Recently she founded the Too Tired Project, a photo initiative helping those struggling with depression by offering a platform for collective creative expression. Her work has appeared on Vice, NPR, Washington Post, Huff Post, and elsewhere. Born and raised in Kansas, Wray graduated from NYU where she studied documentary filmmaking. She is director of two feature length documentaries: “Manhattan, Kansas” and “Cartoon College.”
Jon Feinstein is Humble's co-founder. He's organized exhibitions at Glassbox and Photographic Center Northwest in Seattle; Newspace Center for Photography in Portland, OR; and Hasted Kraeutler and Phillips de Pury in NYC. His writing has appeared in VICE, PDN, Daylight, Slate, and Time, and his projects have been featured in Aperture, The NY Times, Hyperallergic, Ain't Bad, Paper Journal, and The New Yorker. Jon and Roula Seikaly recently won BlueSky Gallery's curatorial prize for their upcoming exhibition "An Inward Gaze," opening in Portland in May, 2019.