La Familia de Felipe V. Jean Ranc (1674–1735)
Folks, it was bound to happen: a Humble Arts Foundation group show devoted exclusively to Kanye West. With the release of The Life of Pablo and YEEZY Season 3, we believe the timing apropos (and too ironic to avoid). How the F do you curate a photography exhibition about one of today's most notorious pop culture icons without any images of the rapper himself?
What does his music, which relates the complexities of the black American experience, say about racial progress? Next, what do his Twitter rants, relationship to the Kardashians, public meltdowns and classic beefs with Bush, Obama and Taylor Swift say about contemporary culture? And finally, what does his core message of defying categorization say about today's field of cultural production? How can photography parallel these ideas?
For our exhibition tribute, we are looking for photo-based work that speaks to Mr. West as a cultural metaphor. Get tangential, reach for meaning and submit the irrelevant – we want to see your interpretation of the "greatest artist of all time."
We will feature group show 49: I Love Kanye on Humble's website and present select images on Instagram @HumbleArtsFoundation.
May 1, 2016
1. Please submit your bio, statement and other information via THIS FORM.
2. Email five (5) JPGs at 1,800 pixels wide (i.e. the short side if it's vertical, or the long side if it's horizontal) to with "YEEZUS Submission" in the subject line, and each image titled with your name and the number of the image (i.e. Diane_Arbus_01)
IMPORTANT: Please do NOT submit zipped folders of images.
ALSO IMPORTANT: Please do NOT watermark your images. We promise you, if we use them, we will give you proper attribution, but cannot take submissions seriously that include watermarks.
Want quicker visibility on your submissions? Hashtag #HAFYEEZUS and @humbleartsfoundation on Instagram after submitting via email.
FEE: None.
All submissions must follow the above guidelines.
Amani Olu will select photographers to feature in HAFNY's online Group Show #49: I Love Kanye, which will go live on Humble's website in May 2016, and be shared on Humble's Instagram. We will announce selected photographers via our Instagram feed @humbleartsfoundation and through our mailing list.