Kittens included, Instagram continues to be a consistent source of challenging photography; whether it's for purely promotional use, as an in-between sketchpad, or for some artists, a medium of its own. And we swear, this isn't some kind of advertorial or "branded content integration." We simply, truly continue to be inspired. For the past 5 weeks we've hosted residencies not only from photographers but also collectors like Seattle-based Robert E. Jackson, who used his takeover to showcase selections from his strange and often unsettling archive of vernacular photographs. Go forth, follow and be inspired, but if you MUST #hatersgonnahatehatehatehatehate about it please give Taylor Swift a call and tell her Ansel sent ya. (PS. Happy Birthday Ansel Adams!)
Most importantly, please follow these folks if you like their work. You can click on each image to get to their handle.