By now you may have seen wizard artist Neil Harbisson's super-viral 2012 TED Talk, demonstrating technology that allows him to "hear" color. Or maybe you're a fan of Design Observer and attended their pivotal "What Design Sounds Like" symposium in New York City in 2015. Or perhaps you marveled at Aperture's Fall 2016 Issue "Sounds," which explored the impact of music on photography. The interest in the intersection of the senses has drawn fascinating work across a range of creative media for years.
But more abstractly, is it possible to make a photograph of what we hear?
What are some photographic representations of riffs, repetition and tone?
How might an image have a verse and refrain?
For Humble's next open call, we're interested in seeing how photographers represent sound, music, any kind of audio frequencies in their work, with three major caveats:
No band photos. No live music photos. No photos of musical instruments. Let us see sound as we'd least expect it.
Submission Details:
August 15th, 2017