Art dealer, curator and lifelong photographer-advocate Sasha Wolf speaks with Humble Arts Foundation about Photowork: her new book of informative, career-changing interviews.
Regardless of how you define “success," being a successful artist is hard. From making a truly cohesive body of work or writing a statement that resonates and cuts through the clutter of art speak, to marketing your work and getting buyers, curators and publishers to care about your work, it’s daunting. And with the onslaught of digital and visual noise, the challenges are ever-evolving.
In response to so many of these challenges, Sasha Wolf recently published Photo-Work: 40 Photographers on Process and Practice with Aperture, a collection of short, sweet, direct interviews with forty photographers crystalizing their key challenges, how they overcame them, and how they continue to iterate and pivot to help enrich and advance their process, practice, and careers. While the book doesn’t offer a simple salve – it shouldn’t – it’s a refreshing and much-needed conversation.
Jon Feinstein in conversation with Sasha Wolf.